Friday, September 18, 2009

Ojai Valley CERT assigned Ham Radio Simplex Frequencies

Wayne Francis (Emergency Coordinator for Ojai Valley Amateur Radio Club, Area 5), who represents our group to Ventura County Auxiliary Communications Service, assigned specific Ham Radio Simplex Frequencies to each of the nine (9) CERT Neighborhood Areas.

Last year's Ojai OK! Drill was a success because 11 local Ham Operators shadowed Neighborhood Area Coordinators and communicated total counts to the EOC.

Since then, there has been a concerted effort to license new operators, with over 50 additional operators becoming licensed. We recently held a licensing in Ojai which added 10 new operators.

For the October 14th Drill, we plan on having more operators within each Neighborhood -- ideally one for each NERT Coordinator. Most of the CERT Neighborhood Area Coordinators are now Ham Operators.

By using Simplex freqnencies within each Neighborhood it will allow each NERT Coordinator to effectively communicate to the Neighborhood Area Coordinator using a trusted and proven communications system.

Here are the Simplex frequencies for Ojai:

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Radio Ojai Interview (9/11/09)

Check out "Lisa Interviews Paul Garth of the Ojai OK! Drill"